Aviation Insights for FSEconomy (work in progress)

This is a tool I created for myself with the intention of publishing it for other flight simulator pilots who use FSEconomy. It queries the FSEconomy API to obtain real-time data about virtual airports, aircraft, and assignments. Then it saves that data to a local database which powers a Ruby on Rails application with a React.js front-end. The purpose of the tool is to help pilots find the most profitable assignments and increase the overall economic efficiency of FSEconomy.

Hennan Culp, PLLC (completed January 2016)

Originally completed in May 2013 and redesigned in January 2016, this website was built with WordPress and the Bootstrap front-end framework. It features a number of main graphic areas whose images use background-attachment: fixed, as opposed to hijacking the scroll event, to provide an illusion of depth. In order to keep the focal point of these images aligned within the main graphic element, the images are initially positioned with JavaScript. Travis handled design and development while the client provided content and images.

Texas Statutes (work in progress)

This is a "web scraping" application developed using the Ruby on Rails framework. Once completed, it will periodically read the statutes published on the Texas Legislature's website, reformat them, and display them in a way that is easier to read and more accessible to users with disabilities. The application will also implement an API that will allow other developers to access its data in a machine-readable format.

Demo App (completed September 2014)

Demo App is a simple iOS application written in Objective C. It implements a counter that increments itself and toggles the app's background color (from blue to red and vice versa) in response to user touches. When the counter reaches some multiple of ten, the application triggers an alert to the user to notify them of the number of touches and allow the user to either reset the counter or continue. I wrote the application in order to better understand topics related to Apple's Cocoa (iOS) framework, including Cocoa classes and subclassing, Cocoa events, and animation.

Coffman Law (completed November 2013)

This WordPress site featured a responsive design based on a combination of the TwentyTwelve Theme and the Pilcrow Theme. The website includes several static pages and a blog. Coffman Law primarily handles civil litigation and family law.